Breakaway Live...

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    Thursday 19 February 2009

    Live and (hopefully) Loud...

    Hey all...

    Just a quickie to let you all know that, Internet connection permitting, I shall be attempting a live-from-the-Skydome running diary of the All-Star game-the plan is to constantly update the post every few minutes or so from about 7:15 pm onwards this evening, with what's going on, reflections or just simply what's running through my head at the time...the party will hopefully start on here from around 7:30 or so, assuming I can get a laptop running...refresh the page every few minutes to see if there are any new posts, as each line will be tagged with the time...

    Hopefully, this'll work...if it does get going and you like it, then pass the word out to those you know who may be interested...and be prepared for randomness and possibly a rude word or off-colour joke or two...

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