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    Wednesday, 16 January 2008

    More KO Cup Thoughts, and Fame At Last...:)

    A few more quick hits as I settle in to watch the return of Torchwood on the BBC...

    Well, that was unexpected: Andy Sharp fights Jeremy Cornish in the early minutes of Blaze vs Steelers. And loses. Not a bad way to make a debut...although a text from a friend at the game says it's about the only viable contribution he's made...With the game currently poised at two each, I have a bad feeling about this...

    (warning-self-indulgent section)...:)

    And, speaking of the PR front...It appears that, in Manchester at least, the Breakaway splits of the readers was nice enough to mention it on their forum...(I found the thread on the nightly trawl)...and there's some nice replies (and some not so nice ones :)) on least this explains why the blog had a ton more traffic from the North West than it usually does...that's another forum I should be monitoring a bit more closely. Certainly the comments on there have been noted and will be implemented...

    Edit....but not posting, thanks to the fact they won't accept hotmail addresses, such as the one the blog uses..:)

    And even more...: Taking my own advice...I'm casting the net, as it were...I'm very conscious that this blog is still very EIHL-centred...and I'd like to change that. Trouble is, I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to EPL, ENL or junior if any of you out there in cyberspace would fancy sending me an update on any of the other leagues in Britain once a week (or even bi-weekly), then let me know, or just send them unsolicited...I'll place them on with full credit.

    Keep keeping your eye on the puck...

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