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    Saturday 13 October 2007

    Sigmund Freud, Mozart, Kurt Waldheim, Jorg Halder...

    Your boys just took a hell of a beating. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    Blaze have just pulled off something truly special. And I miss it-the first big Coventry Blaze moment in history I've not been present at. Bloody redundancies.

    But my god-I've had about ten texts in the past five minutes from people going absolutely mental, and I feel the need to go out and have a drink or two just in order to celebrate this evening...Apologies the diary just cut off, but this really deserves some sort of commerative post. And a moment of silence for Salzburg...

    (deep breath-back on topic)....

    Meanwhile, in the EIHL, could Belfast be back on a roll after their 7-0 victory? Nottingham are currently beating Shuff 2-0 as well, so that could be an interesting game to follow....

    Actually-since it's my blog, I'm signing off early now, and will post reaction to the EIHL games tomorrow-time to go out and celebrate what is an absolutely MASSIVE shock win in the world of ice-hockey...someone ring the BBC!

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