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    Wednesday 31 October 2007

    Halloween Hockey, or Things That Go Bump On The Ice...

    Notice that chill in the air? It is, of course, All Hallows Eve today-a day when traditionally all beings scary, nasty and horrifically ugly are allowed to romp and play for the last time before All Saints' Day breaks the day after. Obviously in recent years a few of those beings have slipped through the net after Halloween though, as the continuing presences of Jeff Legue (scarily good) Brad Voth (big and nasty) and Ed Courtenay (well, this one should be obvious) :) on the rinks of the UK will testify...

    One of the major fun parts of the 31st October for many, though, is the excuse to dress up. And those players, referees and club staff we go to watch at the rinks of the UK are no different...So here's some ideas for costumes for them. Picked with the greatest of care, naturally.

    A Donkey: Andre Payette (Newcastle): Well, it's only fair-after all, that's what everyone outside of Newcastle (and even some inside) seem to think would be the perfect costume. According to many he wouldn't even need to act.

    An Executioner: Robert Stancok (Nottingham): Anyone who's ever seen him swinging that stick of his into the bodies of opposition forwards will know that, when it comes to wielding a weapon, the Panthers' Slovak d-man has no equal. Good job the "blades" of these sticks aren't razor-sharp.

    The Grim Reaper: Adam Calder (Coventry): Seriously-has anyone ever seen him smile during a game?

    An Angel: Todd Kelman (Belfast): No other costume would suit this paragon of virtue, who never does anything wrong and thus is perfectly entitled to protest violently from the bench at every single penalty given to his team. And if he takes a penalty himself? Better get the earplugs ready...

    A Devil: Danny Stewart (Coventry): Stewie just loves to cause trouble-one of the few players I can think of who will be pushing and shoving with a grin on his face. And no-one is better at the cheeky little tap with a stick which is just soft enough not to be called a slash...

    Chainsaw Kid: Peter Campbell (Belfast) : Just have a gander at his picture on the Belfast website. That serial-killer stare was last seen on Michael Myers in Halloween, I think...Just try not to make him angry.

    Town Crier: Dave Simms (Sheffield): Well, town criers like to shout a lot whether people are listening or not, don't they?

    Pinocchio: Simon Mangos (Manchester): Ed Courtenay was the obvious choice here, but given that he's still to come further down, instead we pay tribute to the nasally-advantaged Phoenix defenceman.

    The Baby: Ed Courtenay (Belfast): Toys and pram are optional extras-especially since you would be spending half the night picking the toys up from where they'd been thrown. And a grown man spitting out a dummy could really do some damage if he managed to hit someone, so you'd probably have Health and Safety on your back as well.

    Damian, The Omen child: Jake Riddle (Hull): Look at him. He looks about twelve years old (although slightly big for his age). But as soon as he gets on the ice, all that innocence disappears.

    There you are, for now...don't get too scared this evening, and keep keeping your eye on the puck...

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